Onward, as in FORWARD motion.....

 This blog is cyclical. I write and then abandon it. Come back with every intention of continuing without the abandonment.....and......poof...I am gone again! Let's see if I can keep it going for a bit.

I think it is interesting that not only is the attention to my blog cyclical, so is the content. One thing that I have learned is the likelihood of dealing with the same "issues" in my life is assured. Thus, moving on from that isn't wrong. It isn't "burying" it. It is ok to acknowledge that there is a struggle, reaffirm my worth and move on. dragging it all out, organizing it, polishing it and then putting it all away again is torture. Moving forward is far more desirable to me at this juncture.

I am looking forward to documenting my progress forward...........


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